Company-sized unit of Georgian peacekeepers return from Afghanistan

The 13th battalion of the 1st Infantry Brigade of the Eastern Command of Georgian Defense Forces has completed the international peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan. Following the MIA, Georgian peacekeepers are returning to their homeland.

Georgian Army Brigadier General and Deputy Chief of Defence, Irakli Chichinadze, Eastern Command Colonel and Brigadier General Roland Dzneladze, and Commander of the 1st Infantry Battalion Colonel Zaza Shalamberidze met the first military unit consisting of 100 peacekeepers at Tbilisi International Airport.

They thanked the soldiers for their service and congratulated them on their safe return to the homeland.

The 13th battalion of the 1st Infantry Brigade has performed the three-month NATO-led Resolute Support Mission at the Bagram Airfield base. The key objective of the mission is ensuring security.