Eighteen hotels turned into quarantine areas in Mestia

The Georgian National Tourism Administration has been tasked by the Coordination Council to register hotels In the Mestia municipality to turn them into quarantine areas. A total of 18 hotels with their 327 rooms have already been prepared for this purpose. 

Other hotels in the municipality are also intended to be included in the program in the event that they meet requirements and consents from their owners are received. 

"Agreements are being concluded with hotel owners to have quarantine areas introduced here, and with citizens enabled either to stay in that hotels, in which quarantine areas will be arranged, or transported to other regions. We appeal to citizens in the municipality, as well as tourists to contact hotline 144 to have themselves registered and transported to quarantine areas," Mariam Kvrivishvili, the head of the National Tourism Administration declared. 

Due to newly confirmed cases of coronavirus, entering and leaving Mestia, Ushguli and Lenjer has been restricted.