Four new cases of coronavirus confirmed in Georgia - VIDEO

Four new cases of coronavirus confirmed in Georgia. Marina Ezugbaia, the medical director of the Infectious Hospital, told reporters about the latest cases.

According to her, the condition of patients is stable. Only two out of the four infected are undergoing treatment at Tbilisi Infectious Diseases Hospital.

Ezugbaia noted that the patients only have a low temperature.

"We have not detected pneumonia yet; however, we are planning a tomographic examination and will evaluate their condition after the results," Marina Ezugbaia explained.

As Ezugbaia told reporters, they know the names of those in contact with infected patients.

They are waiting for the analysis of up to 11 patients from Lugar Laboratory.

There are 38 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Georgia, of which one patient already recovered and left the clinic.

There are 1130 people in quarantine and 81 in inpatient care.