Government names reasons for restrictions

According to the report regarding the measures taken by the government of Georgia against COVID-19 to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus three main factors were the reason behind restrictions - the quality of the virus transmission and the readiness of the health care system, socio-cultural peculiarities and level of acceptance of recommendations by the society.

"The introduction of mandatory restrictions was due to three main factors:

1. The degree of virus transmission and the healthcare system's readiness - Given the high contagion and rapid spread of the virus, the task was not to allow people to become infected, which would lead to the healthcare system collapse.

2. Socio-cultural peculiarities of society - Given the specifics of society in the country (based on the tradition of different generations living together), it was impossible to separate and isolate risk groups (older people, people with chronic diseases).

3. Degree of acceptance of recommendations by the society - The analysis of the implementation of recommendations set at the initial stage of the fight against pandemic revealed the actual weakness of this method. Therefore, to achieve the desired result, it became necessary to impose mandatory restrictions.

It should be noted that all the restrictions aimed at restricting citizens' mobility, compliance with sanitary-hygienic norms, and rules of social distancing would ensure the prevention of the rapid spread of the virus, slowing it down and controlling it," reads a report on COVID-19.