Late Girchi member refused to have funeral services rendered

Political party Girchi has released a statement in which its members call upon ecclesiastic servants to perform a funeral service for 24-year-old priest Shako Baramidze, member of "Biblical Freedom." Shako Baramidze died in a car accident, and his family was refused to have funeral services rendered because of him being a member of "Biblical Freedom."

 "According to ecclesiastic servants, individuals with a "Biblical Freedom" licence, are denied to have funeral services rendered by Metropolitan Saba of Khoni and Samtredia. The family should have buried the deceased on Saturday, but they delayed the ceremony since they do not want to bury him without having orthodox funeral services rendered.

The family postponed the burial ceremony hoping that at least one ecclesiastic servant would not refuse to perform the service. Due to this, on Sunday, "Biblical Freedom" issued a certificate abolishing Shako Baramidze's Certificate of Ordination. The family informed ecclesiastic servants and the Patriarchate of this and once again addressed them with the same request but has still been refused to have services performed.

We do ask Orthodox ecclesiastic servants to contact us so that we can connect you to the deceased's family," reads the statement.