Mezvrishvili says restrictions are imposed on unnecessary activities

At the beginning of the year, we introduced restrictions to prepare our healthcare sector appropriately, and today we are ready for challenges, Head of the Administration of the Georgian Government Natia Mezvrishvili said.

In Mezvrishvili's words, another objective of strict restrictions was to contain the virus, but today the reason is different, and restrictions are established locally in the areas where the virus outbreak constitutes a problem.

"Restrictions are imposed on unnecessary events, the absence of which does less harm to the economy. Interventions in all the areas as we already did during the state of emergency will inflict serious harm to our economy and devastate the country. We are taking steps in view of the country's resources. Obviously, we cannot close food facilities, for they cater to our basic requirements. However, we can refrain from organizing huge weddings and feasts now and plan them in the future. They are not vitally important," Mezvrishvili said, adding that five cases confirmed today are related to a wedding. "We must believe that this is a real issue and trust the government saying that a particular field faces problems. We should control ourselves," she said.

According to Mezrishvili, young people must abstain from participating in some events to avoid posing threats to older people's lives.