Ninotsminda boarding school: Deacon responds to reports on ''evicted child''

Head of the Press Service of the Patriarchate Deacon Andria Jaghmaidze has responded to Ninotsminda boarding school developments saying that the alleged ''evicted child'' actually is a university student residing in the eparchy.

In the deacon's words, everyone treated the young man exceptionally well, and he did not like when children talked about violence in the boarding school. ''Unexpectedly, he changed his mind, said that Lomjaria would have won, and dialed 112, asking them to summon him for questioning. After visiting the police station, he, extremely aggressive, returned to the eparchy and locked himself in his room. The archbishop suggested that he moved to the two-room flat near the residence as a precautionary measure. In response to this, he packed his suitcase, called the police, repeating that NGOs would have provided him with everything,'' the deacon said in his social media post.

Yesterday, the public defender issued a statement regarding the former dweller of the boarding school, ''who was allegedly forced to leave St Abuseridze dormitory'' and urged state agencies to ensure the protection of the rights of current and former dwellers of the boarding school.