Number of infected and dead with COVID-19 increases in Georgia

A total of 1 374 cases of coronavirus were detected in Georgia during the last day, and the number of confirmed cases of infection reached 290 129.

422 people recovered from the virus, increasing the total number to 278 251.

Eleven patients died, with the death toll reaching 3 894.

Research conducted using test in the last 24 hours - 37 524, rapid antigen test - 28 078, PCR test - 9 446.

Positive rate: Daily - 2,66%, Last 14 days - 2,46%, Last 7 days - 2,58%.

The first case of coronavirus got detected on February 26, 2020, in Georgia.

The World Health Organization recognized coronavirus as a pandemic on March 11, 2020.

The outbreak of pneumonia in China began in December of 2019.

China confirmed that coronavirus was contagious and declared quarantine in two cities on January 21.