OSCE chairpersons show support for Georgia

As part of the 27th OSCE ministerial, the five chairpersons of the organization adopted a statement, signed by the former, current, chairing countries and their representatives for the next three years.

The five OSCE Chairs reaffirmed their support for Georgia's territorial integrity and showed their unwavering support for the Geneva International Talks.

The document refers to the conflict in Georgia, expresses support for Georgia's territorial integrity and sovereignty, emphasizes the deteriorating human rights situation in the Russia-occupied regions, and expresses support for the Geneva international negotiations.

"We reaffirm our support for Georgia's independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. We underline our concern about the deteriorating human rights situation in the regions of Georgia - Abkhazia and South Ossetia. We express our unwavering support for the Geneva International Discussions, contributing to a peaceful solution to this conflict. The Geneva international negotiations are the main international platform in this direction, and the OSCE is ready to continue to lead this format together with the European Union and the UN," the statement reads.