Patriarch Christmas Epistle

The Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, Archbishop of Mtskheta-Tbilisi, and Metropolitan of Bichvinta and Tskhum-Abkhazia Ilia II read the Christmas epistle at the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

In the Christmas Epistle, the patriarch focuses on various social or community topics. Each of us has our cross to bear, but there are common trials as well; for example, today, we have a pandemic to face. People were discouraged by the constant negative information, the lock-up, the deaths. It is true that the victims are great, and caution is absolutely necessary, but we should not despair or be afraid, reads the Christmas epistle of the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, Ilia II.

As stated in the Epistle, death does not mean the cessation of existence because the human soul is immortal. If each of us eliminates even one bad habit or feature in a year, how much better will life be? Set this goal - mentions the Christmas epistle of the Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia, Ilia II.