Weather forecast for September 27

On September 27, it will be + 19 ° at night, + 27 ° in the daytime, cloudy weather is expected, rain is possible in Tbilisi.

In Sukhumi at night + 21 °, the day will pass without precipitation during the day + 30 °, while in Batumi at night + 23 °, the day will pass without precipitation during the day + 31 °.

Poti: at night + 21 °, forecasters predict a day without precipitation during the day + 32 °.

Zugdidi: at night + 21 °, the day will pass without precipitation during the day + 32 °.

At night in Kutaisi, it will be + 21 °, and in the afternoon + 34 °, the day will pass without precipitation, while the temperatures in Mestia will equal + 8 ° at night, + 28 ° in the daytime, rain is on the forecast. 

Borjomi: at night + 14 °, during the day + 28 °, precipitation is expected at night.

In Akhaltsikhe, temperatures will be + 16 ° at night, + 28 ° - in the daytime, rain is expected at night, and the day will pass without precipitation.

Tskhinvali: at night + 17 °, the day will pass without precipitation during the day + 27 °. In Rustavi, at night temperatures will be + 18 °, sunny weather is expected during the day + 26 °.

At night in Telavi, the temperature will be + 17 °; in the daytime + 26 °, rain is expected.

 Lagodekhi: the temperatures will be + 18 ° at night, + 26 ° during the day, sunny weather is expected.

At night in Signagi, the temperature will be + 17 °; in the daytime + 25 °, the day will pass without precipitation.

Tsageri: at night + 16 °, sunny weather is on the forecast during the day + 30 °.

The temperatures in Bakhmaro will be + 7 ° at night, + 24 ° during the day, rain is expected at night.