Weather forecast in Georgia

It will rain in some regions of Georgia on June 15.

It will be +21 degrees at night in Tbilisi and +36 degrees during the day. There will be rain in the capital.

Batumi will have a temperature of +20 degrees at night and +29 degrees during the day with variable cloudiness.

Zugdidi is expected to have +18 at night and +30 in the daytime. In Kutaisi +18 at night, +32 degrees during the day with the possibility of rain.

In Telavi, there will be +18 degrees at night, and +34 degrees during the day with rain.

There will be +20 degrees and rain in Lagodekhi at night and +36 in the daytime. In Sighnaghi, it will be +19 at night and +35 in the daytime.

Temperatures in Mestia will be +11 degrees at night, +25 degrees in the daytime, heat, and rain are expected.

In Tsageri, +16 degrees at night and +30 degrees during the day and rain is expected as well.

+10 degrees and rain are expected in Bakhmaro at night, and during the day, it will be +23 degrees and rain.