Will Omicron end pandemic? US-based Georgian doctor says this is possible

US-based Georgian doctor Nana Gegechkori has dedicated a Facebook post to the new Omicron coronavirus variant.

Gegechkori offered three case scenarios according to which, as ' today's scarce data' show, Omicron is the most rapidly spread variant and causes mild symptoms; based on this, it may be speculated that the largest portion of mankind will contrive the virus in a short time, with this creating herd immunity. According to the second case scenario, Omicron, having lots of hosts, may mutate as a safer coronavirus variant without symptoms. However, as the doctor says, there is a third possibility, with Omicron having the best possible conditions to spread and create other mutations turning into a new strain, and no one on earth can know who will benefit from this _ mankind or the coronavirus. ''Will Omicron end the pandemic? Answering this question based on the knowledge we have so far accumulated, and technical tools that are in our hands now is impossible,'' the doctor said in her post.