Wounded and injured military men to receive cash bonuses

At the decision of Defence Minister Irakli Gharibashvili, from January of 2020, injured and wounded military men will receive cash bonuses in the amount of GEL 200-800 in view of their traumas and injuries, according to the Ministry of Defense of Georgia.

Cash bonuses will reportedly be determined in accordance with the following criteria:

Military men involved in operations for ensuring international peace and security, as well as other peacekeeping operations or military actions for Georgia's territorial integrity, freedom, and independence, who:

1. were severely disabled will receive GEL 800 cash bonuses;

2. suffered the amputation of the lower or upper limbs, or eye injuries will receive GEL 600 cash bonuses;

3. sustained severe bodily injuries will get GEL 250 cash bonuses;

4. sustained less severe bodily injuries will receive GEL 200 cash bonuses.

Within the new social policy, the Ministry of Defense will continue supporting wounded and injured military men, according to the statement by the body.