Number of those wishing to postpone Japanese Olympics growing

A record number of opponents of the Tokyo Summer Olympics got recorded in Japan, The Asahi Shimbun reports.

A poll conducted on May 15-16 found that 43% of those asked favor postponing the Olympics. A survey conducted earlier in April showed that the number of supporters of postponing the Olympics had increased significantly.

Doctors' unions are also demanding the postponement of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The reason for this is the overloaded schedule with vaccinations.

John Coates, Vice-president of the International Olympic Committee, says the Olympics will be held in Tokyo and that certain mechanisms have been arranged to keep both athletes and the Japanese population safe.

The petition to postpone the Olympics already has 351,000 signatures in Japan. The document was handed over to Yuriko Koike, the Governor of Tokyo, the Japanese government, and the International Olympic and Paralympic Committee.

The Olympics was supposed to be held in Japan from June 24 to August 9, 2020, but got postponed to 2021 due to the pandemic. This year, the Tokyo Olympics are scheduled to take place from July 23 to August 8.