Two Azerbaijani chess players participating in Magnus Carlsen Chess Tournament

Teimour Radjabov and Shakhriyar Mamedyarov are competing in the Chess Tournament organized by the world champion of chess Magnus Carlsen.

Radjabov and Mamedyarov have already played 15 games, and they now have been left with one game each.

Radjabov ended the sixth-round game against one of the strongest rivals, Hikaru Nakamura, in a draw and faced Carlsen himself in the 10th round, agreeing with him also to end the game in a draw.

Mamedyarov played against world champion Carlsen in the 7th round, beat him, and like Radjabov, ended a game with Nakamura in a draw.

In the final 13th round, the two fellow-countryman will play against each other.

The current No.1 player at the tournament is Norwegian grandmaster Magnus Carlsen, followed by Anish Giri and Hikaru Nakamura.

Radjabov holds the ninth position and Mamedyarov twelfth at the tournament.