Anthony Fauci: Collective immunity cannot defeat Covid - VIDEO

Anthony Fauci, the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the chief medical advisor to the President, said that Covid-19 would not disappear even after mass vaccination. However, the more people get vaccinated, the fewer new infections there would be. Fauci thinks that mass vaccination and "collective immunity" cannot guarantee the disappearance of the coronavirus, BBC reports.

According to the US chief medical advisor, "collective immunity" is an abstract concept. There are no precise criteria for determining what percentage of the population should be vaccinated to prevent infection spread. He also noted that no vaccine could guarantee 100% protection. Coronavirus can also infect a vaccinated person.

"While it is impossible to get rid of the coronavirus completely, mass vaccination will drastically reduce the risk of infection," Fauci said and, as an example, talked about the flu virus vaccine, which reduces the rate of infection by 40-60% daily.

In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, the world will return to a normal rhythm of everyday life only gradually, but it will not be an instant process.