Attackers on Turkish restaurant in the US face up to 15 years in prison

US court is deciding on the case of two Americans of Armenian descent. 23-year-old William Stepanyan and Harry Chalikyan are accused of attacking a Turkish restaurant in Los Angeles. According to court records, on November 4 last year, William Stepanyan sent a message calling for an attack. "Let's start hunting for Turks," the message read.

The İstanbul Cafe restaurant in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, got attacked on the evening of November 4 last year. A group of 6-8 people of Armenian origin damaged the restaurant and insulted the owner. The abusers made statements against Turkey and Azerbaijan. Damage to the restaurant reaches up to $ 20 000.

William Stepanyan and Harry Chalikyan were arrested based on a joint investigation by Los Angeles Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as evidence found on the ground and data obtained. They are charged with robbery, vandalism, and other crimes. The prosecution is seeking up to 15 years in prison for the perpetrators.