Biden approval rating almost halves after 100 days in office

Just over half of Americans said they approve of the job President Biden is doing as he approaches his first 100 days in office, The Hill reports.

The Washington Post/ABC News poll released early Sunday found that 52 percent of Americans said that they at least somewhat approve of the actions Biden has taken so far, while 42 percent disapprove.

The Post noted that former President Trump is the only recent occupant of the Oval Office to have a lower approval rating at this point in his presidency. Trump's job approval rating was 42 percent just before his first 100 days in office, after which his approval ratings in some polls were as low as 36 percent.

Biden's approval rating in the Washington Post/ABC News poll is roughly consistent with two other surveys released Sunday morning. NBC News found Biden with a 53 percent approval rating while it was 54 percent in a Fox News survey.