China pushes emergency COVID-19 vaccine to thousands

Since July, hundreds of thousands of Chinese have been given experimental, emergency-use COVID-19 vaccines by the government despite concerns over their safety and efficacy, the New York Post reports

China was initially criticized for giving the vaccine to top executives and leading researchers before human test trials. But in recent months, according to The Associated Press, they've given the jab to many more citizens under an emergency-use designation approved in June.

Chinese health officials say they've almost wiped out the coronavirus but want to ensure that it never comes back. 

Zheng Zhongwei, of China's National Health Commission, claimed that China gained the "understanding and support" of the World Health Organization before administering the vaccines.

Zheng has said that some people in "high risk" professions — like frontline medical personnel — have been eligible to receive the vaccine since July 22.

But outside health experts say it's dangerous to green light vaccines before last-stage trials, CNN reported.