First Lady of the United States has taken on the role of flight attendant - PHOTO

The first lady of the United States, Jill Biden, decided to get involved in the April Fool's Day and took on the role of a flight attendant named Jasmine.

On April 1, Jill flew from California to Washington, accompanied by a group of reporters. Suddenly she appeared in a flight attendant's suit. The First Lady wore a short black wig, a medical mask, black pants, and a jacket.

The flight attendant handed out ice cream to the passengers, but a couple of minutes later, she came out to the passengers without a wig. Journalists said Jill laughed and said it was the April Fool's joke.

Jill Biden was making jokes like this one during Barack Obama's first presidential term. At the time, her husband, Joe Biden, was acting vice president. Jill climbed up and hid above the seats of the plane. When one of the passengers opened the luggage rack, Biden's wife frightened him.