Is it possible for a person to be immune to COVID-19?

Three new studies revealed that coronavirus immunity could last for months, CNN says.

A study by the University of Arizona College of Medicine says antibodies are generated in patients who have recovered from the coronavirus. In turn, these antibodies protect the body from infection for 5-7 months.

Meanwhile, one of the studies shows that these antibodies may not provide a person with protection from coronavirus infection in all cases.

Another study says people who have recovered from coronavirus are protected from reinfection for several months by developing immunity to COVID-19. Thus, we can assume that the coronavirus vaccine can save a person for only a few months.

Following the article published in Science Immunology, a team of Canadian scientists has found that antibodies remain in the body of recovered patients for about 115 days.

The New York Times reports that according to Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, there is no evidence that the presence of antibodies in the body provides immunity to COVID-19.

The author of an article published in Forbes notes that cases of reinfection with coronavirus are quite frequent in the world. Consequently, the hopes of the heads of state for the development of collective immunity are low.

The publication Science writes that since reinfection with coronavirus is quite frequent, immunity to COVID-19 may be short-lived.

The World Health Organization does not comment on the development of coronavirus immunity.

There have been many studies, but without a consensus, if a human body develops immunity to COVID-19 and how long it may last.