Mark Zuckerberg to donate $25 million to tackle coronavirus

Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan are putting $25 million of their money behind an effort to develop therapeutic treatments for the Covid-19 coronavirus. It’s one of the biggest gifts yet from tech billionaires in response to the crisis, according to the Vox news website. 

"Priscilla and I are committing $25 million to accelerate the development of treatments for COVID-19. We're partnering with the Gates Foundation and others to quickly evaluate the most promising existing drugs to see which ones might be effective at preventing and treating the coronavirus. Since these drugs have already gone through clinical safety trials, if they're effective, it will be much faster to make them available than it will be to develop and test a new vaccine -- hopefully months rather than a year or more. I'm looking forward to seeing what the Therapeutics Accelerator discovers. More soon," Zuckerberg writes on his Facebook page.