Number of COVID-19-infected exceeds 81 million worldwide

According to the latest data from Worldometers, there are 81,144,994 confirmed cases of coronavirus infection worldwide.

The United States leads the rate of infection. There are 19,573,847 patients with COVID-19 in the country.

India holds second place with 10,208,725 cases. Brazil ranks third with 7,484,285 cases of coronavirus.

Russia is on the fourth place with 3,050,248 cases. There are more than a two million cases in France (2,559,686), the United Kingdom (2,288,345), Turkey (2,147,578), Italy (2,047,696), Spain (1,869,610), Argentina (1,583,297), Colombia (1,594,497), Germany (1,655,322), Mexico (1,383,434), Poland (1,257,799), Iran (1,200,465) Peru (1,007,657), Ukraine (1,025,989) and South Africa (1,004,413). 

The death toll reaches 1,771,981, while 57,293,765 people defeated coronavirus worldwide.

The World Health Organization recognized coronavirus as a pandemic on March 11, 2020.

The outbreak of pneumonia in China began in December of 2019.

China confirmed that coronavirus was contagious and declared quarantine in two cities on January 21.