Record growth of coronavirus cases seen worldwide since January

According to Worldometer, the world has seen a record rise in coronavirus cases since January; 640,244 cases of COVID-19 were detected on the last day.

The increase was the highest since January 22nd.

There are 89,200 new cases in Brazil, 72,182 in India, and 68,756 in the United States. More than 20 thousand new cases were reported in France, Turkey, Poland, Italy, and Germany.

According to the latest figures from Worldometers, there are 129,515,870 people infected with the coronavirus worldwide.

The United States leads the infectious rate, with 31,166,344 cases of coronavirus.

Brazil holds second place, with 12,753,258 people infected. India is in the top three in the world in terms of the number of infected - 12,221,665.

France ranks fourth in terms of infection (4,644,423). Russia ranks fifth (4,545,095). Great Britain takes 6th place (4,345,788).

There are more than 3 million cases in Italy (3,584,899), Turkey (3,317,182), and Spain (3,284,353).

The number of cases exceeded 2 million in Germany (2,830,335), Colombia (2,406,377), Argentina (2,348,821), Poland (2,321,717) and Mexico (2,238,887).

More than a million cases have been reported in Iran (1,885,564), Ukraine (1,691,737), Peru (1,548,807), South Africa (1,548,157), the Czech Republic (1,539,617), Indonesia (1,511,712) and the Netherlands (1,272,616).

According to the latest data, a total of 2,829,111 people have died from the coronavirus pandemic, and 104,448,346 recovered.

The World Health Organization recognized coronavirus as a pandemic on March 11, 2020.

The outbreak of pneumonia in China began in December of 2019.

China confirmed that coronavirus was contagious and declared quarantine in two cities on January 21.

The first case of coronavirus got detected on February 26, 2020, in Georgia.