Should we be in contact with aliens?

Scientists around the world have long debated whether it is worthwhile to come into contact with aliens if they are discovered.

The famous American physicist-theorist Michio Kaku, has believed for many years that there is life on a planet outside the solar system, and we will one day find such a settlement, but when that happens, we must avoid direct contact with them. According to the physicist, aliens should not be a threat because they do not care about us if we do not bother them.

"NASA plans to send a long-focal space telescope into orbit soon, allowing us to observe thousands of planets. I, therefore, believe that there is a great chance of establishing contact with alien civilizations. Some of my colleagues argue that if we find aliens, they should be informed about us, but I find this idea awful. We know what happened to Moctezuma when he met Cortés in Mexico," said Michio Kaku.

According to history, the Spanish army under the leadership of Cortés destroyed the Aztec civilization. These were the consequences of their first contact with an alien civilization.

Michio Kaku suggests that the aliens we find will be peaceful, but he says it is not worth the risk to come into close contact with civilizations that have evolved and are ahead of us.