3 955 visitors arrive from Azerbaijan to Georgia

In the last month of 2020, during December, 3 955 visitors came to Georgia from Azerbaijan. The number of visitors from the neighboring country to Georgia has decreased by 96.8 percent annually. In December of 2019, 122 591 visitors came to Georgia from Azerbaijan, 118 636 more than in December of this year.

According to the National Tourism Administration, a total of 49,260 international visits were made to Georgia in December 2020, which is 90.8 percent less than in the same period last year.

Most visits made to Georgia:

Turkey - 19,698 visitors, a decrease of -75.6 percent over the previous year;

Armenia - 9,324 visitors, a decrease of -93.1 percent over the previous year;

Russia - 4,404 visitors, a decrease from the previous year - 93.3 percent;

Georgia (non-resident) - 4,358 visitors, a decrease from the previous year - 87.7 percent;

Uzbekistan - 1,842 visitors, an increase of + 45.3 percent over the previous year;

According to the agency, 44,723 international visitors came to Georgia by land, 3,563 by air, 755 by sea, and 219 by railway.

The reason for the sharp decline in the number of foreign visitors is the closure of borders due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Georgia and Azerbaijan were planning a joint tourism tour in 2020; the two countries were to create joint tourism packages for the third country representatives; however, coronavirus postponed the planned cooperation.

Georgia will open its air borders on February 1.