Ekaterine Tikaradze: We do not recommend stopping flights from Italy

According to Ekaterine Tikaradze, the Minister of Health, the government is not planning to ban flights from Italy. The Minister, said that the country controls the situation.

Tikaradze noted that the Georgian health care system is coping well with the coronavirus-related challenge.

As for the fourth patient infected, the Minister said, the search for those in contact with him is over. Twenty-five people got identified and will be tested on the virus.

"Of course, we will test these people, and their analysis will be public. The infected patient did not go to work and was in isolation, which makes the situation much better," the Minister said.

There are four cases of coronavirus confirmed in Georgia.

The first one is a Georgian citizen, a 50-year-old man who arrived from Iran.

The second is a 31-year-old woman who is also a Georgian citizen and flew to Kutaisi International Airport from Italy.

The third infected man is also a Georgian citizen who was in Iran as well.

Yesterday,information saying that a Georgian citizen residing in Italy have tested positive for the virus was also released.

Overall, more than 200 people are under observation.

There are 162 people left in the quarantine.