
Prime Minister: My sincere condolence about the accident in Shatili

Prime Minister: My sincere condolence about the accident in Shatili
Prime Minister: My sincere condolence about the accident in Shatili

“I want to express my deep condolence with the tragedy that took place on Shatili road, taking our citizens' lives. There are injured people as well,” – writes the Prime Minister on his social net page.

“My condolence to the families and inmates of the killed people. The search and rescue works continue; our doctors are doing their best to save the lives of the injured people,” – writes the Prime Minister.

Twelve people were killed in a road accident in the Dusheti Municipality, on Shatili road.

Search, and identification of the missing passengers is in the process. The health condition of the injured as a result of the accident is severe.

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