
Astrological prediction for Aug 28, what is in store for you

Astrological prediction for Aug 28, what is in store for you
Astrological prediction for Aug 28, what is in store for you


You’re capable of doing it all today, Aries. The moon roams through steady Taurus today, helping you hone in on your untapped talents so you can take a closer look at the current state of your finances. Luna’s supportive connection with the sun helps you apply yourself towards productive efforts and work projects, but her square with heavy Saturn later may stir up melancholic moods around long-term goals.


Friday’s skies work to help you come out of your withdrawn headspace, Taurus. The moon floats through your sign, illuminating any personal tender spots within that need for greater care and attention. Luna’s sweet connection with the sun makes it an ideal day for putting yourself in the spotlight and claiming your stage, but her disagreement with walled-off Saturn, later on, may frustrate career blockages.


Your quiet twin is clamoring for attention today, Gemini. The moon’s presence in peace-seeking Taurus today signals the time of the month where you habitually pull away and recharge. Send your focus towards restorative activities and recuperation. Luna’s sweet connection with the sun brings a steady emotional balance to your home life, but her square with limit-setting Saturn may bring mental storm clouds later on.


As a Cancer, you endlessly dote on the loved ones in your life. Today’s skies find you needing that same love returned back to you, as the moon cruises through down-to-earth Taurus. Seek out your friends and sense of community to re-establish connection and feel your best. Luna’s smooth connection with the sun makes communicative efforts easy today, but her hard contact with heavy Saturn may exacerbate relationship issues.


You’re at the top of your game right now, Leo. Even if you feel like you’re just again finding your footing, Friday’s skies encourage you to push ahead with career projects. The moon’s presence of incapable Taurus makes it easy to stay on track and get things done, while her smooth connection with the sun helps you call upon your natural talents. Later, Luna’s dance with Saturn pinpoints ongoing partnership tensions.


As a Virgo, it’s critical for you to break away from energy-consuming mental patterns. Friday’s skies help you do just that, as the moon moves forward into peace-seeking Taurus. Luna’s presence here encourages you to seek out fresh perspectives (think: adventure, movie-going, or book reading). Luna’s connection with the sun makes it an ideal day for self-expressive activities that center your charisma, but her square to Saturn later may highlight issues on the work front.


As a Libra, you tend to rationalize messy emotions, rather than just letting them be what they are. Friday’s skies encourage you to return to your feelings and honor them with a therapeutic approach to release, as the moon floats through peace-restoring Taurus. Luna’s sweet connection to the sun allows easy digestion of old problems, but her square with heavy Saturn may highlight ongoing blockages existing around your sex life.


Direct your attention towards the all-important partnerships in your world today, Scorpio. You can’t help but tune into that story and notice any imbalances that need correcting, as the moon roams through your opposite sign of simplicity-seeking Taurus. Luna’s smooth connection with the sun makes it an ideal day for connecting with others and sharing your story, but her square with Saturn can highlight ongoing issues around your home life.


Even if it's nearly the weekend, you’re ready to put in the work today, Sagittarius. Luna slides through steady Taurus, sending your attention towards incomplete workloads and looming to-do lists. It’s easy to cross things off, as the moon’s sweet alignment with the sun returns a sense of self-confidence and a can-do attitude. Later, Luna’s hard square with Saturn highlights communication blockages that need addressing.


You’re ready to return to your sense of joy today, Capricorn. The moon’s presence in sensual Taurus increases your appetite for pleasure, play, and stage time with your own talents. Luna’s easy alignment with the sun makes it an ideal day for planning a future getaway or getting lost in self-expressive efforts, but her square with heavy Saturn, later on, may need you to make room for unexpressed feelings.


Friday’s cosmic landscape encourages you to pull away from it all, Aquarius. Luna’s presence in earthy Taurus directs your focus towards your roots and family connections, and her easy connection with the sun allows for intimate moments and healing conversations. Later, the moon’s square with melancholic Saturn may highlight emotional blockages around your sense of independence and identity.


You’re ready to speak your truth and share from the heart today, Pisces. The moon’s presence in peace-seeking Taurus pushes you to get expressive- think journaling, long phone calls, or even singing in the shower. Aim to get your message out, however, feels best. Luna’s sweet connection with the sun brings a welcome sense of equilibrium to partnerships, but her square with heavy Saturn may highlight long-standing walls that need breaking down.


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