
84.6% of bitumen imports in Georgia are Azerbaijani

84.6% of bitumen imports in Georgia are Azerbaijani
84.6% of bitumen imports in Georgia are Azerbaijani

In January-February 2021, 84.6% or 4.4 thousand tons of petroleum bitumen was imported from Azerbaijan, and in the first two months of this year, Georgia bought 0.8 thousand tons of bitumen from Iraq, which is 15.4% of total imports, the Union of Petroleum Importers informed

In January-February 2021, the import of petroleum bitumen in Georgia amounted to 5.2 thousand tons, which is 2.5 thousand tons or 32.5% less than the same period last year (7.7 thousand tons). According to the Union of Petroleum Importers, the decline in bitumen consumption is mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions. Imports of petroleum bitumen in the country also decreased in 2020.

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