
Azerbaijani tourist numbers fall 98.3%

Azerbaijani tourist numbers fall 98.3%
Azerbaijani tourist numbers fall 98.3%

If compared to the last year, in August of 2020, the number of international visitors has fallen 96.0%, the August review of The National Bank of Georgia reads.

According to the document, Georgia saw a 98.3 % fall in international tourist arrivals from Azerbaijan, a 97.9% fall from Russia, and 89.5% from Turkey. The number of visitors from the EU member countries has remained significantly low.

The August report by Georgian National Tourism Administration reads that 3,757 Azerbaijanis visited Georgia, with this being a 98% fall if compared to August of 2019. Azerbaijan, with its 3,757 visitors, ranks fifth after Russia, Armenia, and Turkey.

The top 5 countries with the highest number of tourist arrival are as follows:

1. Turkey – 16,316 visitors, an 89.5% fall if compared to 2019;

2. Armenia – 8,721 visitors, a 95. 5% if compared to 2019;

3. Georgia (non-residents) – 4, 722 visitors, a 91.2% fall if compared to 2019;

4. Russia – 4,390 visitors, a 97.9% fall if compared to 2019;

5. Azerbaijan – 3,757 visitors, a 98.3% fall if compared to 2019;

The number of tourists has totaled 79.2% of the total number of visitors and dropped by 95.4%. One day trips have also declined. 

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