
How much fuel does Georgia import and from which countries

How much fuel does Georgia import and from which countries
How much fuel does Georgia import and from which countries

In 2019, Georgia imported a total of 329,9 thousand tonnes of petrol and diesel fuels from Russia, with this amounting to 30,1% of total imports, according to the Union of Oil Products Importers.

As per the existing data, Georgia imported 300,0 thousand tonnes (27,4%) from Romania, 170,2 thousand tonnes (15,5%) from Azerbaijan, 119,4 thousand tonnes (10,9%) from Turkmenistan, 92,4 thousand tonnes (8,4%) from Bulgaria, 60,7 thousand tonnes (5,5%) from Greece, and 19,8 thousand tonnes (1,8%) from Turkey. 

"In the first half of the year, the import statistics of diesel fuel proved negative; however, it has improved over the last five months. By rights, the import of petrol and diesel fuels must have increased like the import of other oil products. It must have increased basically at the expense of diesel fuel as all economic indicators determining the consumption of diesel fuel in the country have mainly improved," reads the statement by the Union of Oil Products Importers.

According to the statement, unregistered products are also entering the local market, with this being a reason why the imports cannot be increased. As for petrol fuel, the statement reads that its consumption is increasing.

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