
What is placed in $225 000 Oscar Box?!

What is placed in $225 000 Oscar Box?!
What is placed in $225 000 Oscar Box?!

Oscar nomination often means the career promotion and the precondition of getting leading roles in movies. The Oscar nomination, in line with the above, means an expensive cruise vacation and cosmetic procedures. These are the gifts presented to the Oscar bids this year.

Lash Ferry Foundation has been sending the gifts’ box for Oscar bids for eighteen years, though the gifts have never been as expensive as the current year box.

The gift box contains a $78,000 twelve-day yacht cruise and $20,000 face cosmetic procedures.

Among around eighty branded items, there are clothes, gadgets, and 24-carat gold-plated electro-cigarette, the use of which was introduced by Leonardo Di Caprio and established as a trend. There are $225,000 worth items.

According to Lash Ferry, despite the actors and film directors who were granted by the boxes are quite wealthy, the box symbolizes respect towards them. Ferry mentioned that it is a profitable business; by gifting the brand items to celebrities, the items become associated with them.

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