
Alibeglo Drama theatre creative team visits Georgia

Alibeglo Drama theatre creative team visits Georgia
Alibeglo Drama theatre creative team visits Georgia

14 January marks the Georgian Theatre Day. By the decision of the theatrical society and The Union of Georgian Theatre Critics, the date was dedicated to the Georgian drama theatre in the village of Alibeglo, historic Hereti region, with it being the only Georgian theatre outside the borders of Georgia.

A special event has been held to celebrate the Georgian Theatre Day, with Alibeglo drama theatre creative team -- which has visited Georgia precisely for this purpose -- having been involved in it. Within the event, the members of the Alibeglo theatre creative team were awarded certificates of appreciation for their contribution to the promotion of the Georgian culture.

Anzor Dolenjashvili, the founder of the theatre, was awarded the Sandro Akhmeteli Prize, and the theatre authorities were granted certificates of contribution.

Mikheil Chkhenkeli, the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, has personally congratulated the Georgian theatre creative team on the Georgian Theatre Day and wished them professional success. 

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