
Shota Abkhazava won Lamborghini Super Trofeo Europe - PHOTO

Shota Abkhazava won Lamborghini Super Trofeo Europe - PHOTO
Shota Abkhazava won Lamborghini Super Trofeo Europe - PHOTO

Shota Abkhazava won the Lamborghini Super Trofeo in the Pro-Am category. Shota Abkhazava, owner of Rustavi International Motorpark, took part in the competition on behalf of Georgia with ArtLine Team Georgia # 12.

"We have won the competition and waved the Georgian flag. This is very important for our country”, Abkhazava said.

The Lamborghini Super Trofeo 2019 World Finals were held on October 26-27 in the city of Jerez, Spain. The competition was held in several cities, throughout the year, the final at the JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA, Circuito de Jerez de la Frontera hosted the winners of Europe, Asia and North America. 

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